Medical Weight Loss Options

Lose Weight Safely and Effectively With Medical Weight Loss Solutions

Do you struggle to lose weight? You're not alone — and you may be a candidate for medical weight loss prescriptions.

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Semaglutide and Tirzepatide: Safe & Effective Medical Weight Loss Solutions

It's not just a question of appearance. More than 41% of U.S. adults struggle with dangerous weight gain. The condition is linked to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and specific cancers.

Semaglutide and tirzepatide are medical weight loss solutions. Once-a-week injections can help men and women lose weight and reduce their risk of chronic health conditions. The weight loss medications work by impacting your body’s insulin levels, blood sugar production, and hunger hormones, resulting in significant results.

During semaglutide clinical trials, participants lost an average of 6% of their body weight within 12 weeks and 12% within 28 weeks. In tirzepatide trials, patients with obesity lost more than 20%.

Get Healthy

Lose Weight

Regulate Blood Sugar

Decrease Appetite

Who's a Good Candidate for Medical Weight Loss?

These prescription weight loss medications are a great choice for individuals with a high body mass index (BMI) or complications related to body weight. In addition to weight loss, they help reduce the risk of chronic health conditions related to obesity.

Scale and measuring tape

How Do Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Work?

Tirzepatide and semaglutide increase insulin production and sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, and provide a feeling of fullness. They also help to slow intestinal motility, decreasing appetite and helping you to feel fuller for longer.

Skinny Shots, Energy Shots, and the Skinny IV

Prescription weight loss medication isn't the best option for everyone, and there are nutrient-focused alternatives that can provide a boost to help you achieve weight-loss goals.

Skinny Shot and the Skinny IV

If you're not a good candidate for prescription weight loss medication, consider the Skinny IV or Skinny Shots. These blends are designed to support weight loss. The options pack a powerful punch, providing a blend of vitamins and nutrients that can help you burn fat, boost energy, increase metabolism, and promote muscle building.

Vitamin B12 and Glutathione Shots

Energy shots of vitamin B12 are also available and contribute to a healthy metabolism. Or target stubborn belly fat with glutathione, which also strengthens your immune response.

 Are You a Candidate for Medical Weight Loss?

Find out if semaglutide or tirzepatide are right for you. Schedule an appointment with Kimberly Grob, CNP at our sister location CUR IV and Wellness Clinic in Minnetonka. You can book a free consultation and discover the best path for your weight loss journey.

Skinny shots and IVs can be booked directly, or you can schedule a consult to determine the right blend for you.

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Address Lingering Trouble Spots or Loose Skin Caused by Rapid Weight Loss

If you're in relatively good health but want to tighten up areas of excess fat, check out our body sculpting options. We can also treat or prevent the loose skin associated with rapid weight loss. Book a consultation

 at Advanced Body Sculpting and MedSpa today, or contact us with any questions.

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